Well Within Therapies

Jennifer Hudson, RCSTĀ®, LMT, BCTMB, MNLP


Are there manipulations involved in BCST?

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is distinguished by its minimal reliance on manipulations of any kind. If the various Craniosacral methods could be characterized and compared based on this criterion, the Biodynamic style would be placed at the non-manipulative or yin end of the spectrum.

In the Biodynamic approach, the healing process comes from within the client, not from the outside by the practitioner, and the hand contacts are based on listening and following/reflecting the client’s process rather than pushing or manipulating the client towards a theoretical ideal state.

How many sessions will I need?

This depends on what your goals are, what symptoms you suffer from, and how readily your system responds to this therapy. As a general rule, three to ten sessions will have a significant impact on most people’s health, and in some cases only one session can make a dramatic difference. Often, clients receive regular sessions for longer periods of time, utilizing the sessions for personal and spiritual work.

Why do I seem to “fall asleep” during my sessions?

It is common for people to doze off or appear to sleep during portions of a biodynamic craniosacral session. There are times when the client slips into a deep, meditative type state of consciousness. In this deep place, the mind relaxes and allows the possibility of illness or injury to reorganize and remember its innate health. If the system is tired or exhausted, biodynamic craniosacral allows the system to relax and rest usually in a deep healing still-point or stillness.

Is BCST safe during pregnancy?

BCST is not only safe but recommended during pregnancy, as it calms the nervous system of both mother and child.  It strengthens emotional bonding which has the potential of  being short-circuited due to pre-natal and birth stresses and trauma.

The Biodynamic approach can contact the Primal Midline of the infant’s delicate nervous system — the midline that holds our Originality, the state of perfection that enables us to be less affected by negative influences from our genetics.

Also, although the growing prenate is highly conscious, s/he does not know the difference between mother’s thoughts and feelings and its own, so when Mom’s system is soothed and balanced during pregnancy, the baby benefits as well. This therapy has been found to help with fertility issues as well.

Is BCST safe for children?

Children respond well to BCST because it is gentle, non-invasive, and effective in ways they can intuitively recognize. Even small children quickly get used to the work as they develop trust in their practitioner. Pre-verbal children may actually direct the practitioner’s hands to areas of discomfort.

Children easily show the dynamics of their experience through movement and sounds. Much subtle work can be done by the practitioner during “playtime” in which the child is observed and assisted in completing unresolved challenges. Parents are often astounded at the way a crabby, hyperactive, or miserable child will fall into deep relaxation or sleep during treatment.

The challenge, of course, is the busy toddler who won’t lie still. Here the parent can help out by holding the child as the practitioner makes even brief contacts on the spine, head, and sacrum. A little goes a long way with a child. Whatever can be resolved during infancy or childhood, often in only a few sessions, can potentially prevent decades of medical and psychological treatment later on. In addition, resolution of misaligned forces makes us less accident-prone, because we are not “off-balance”.

Does insurance cover BCST?

Optimizing Presence does not bill health insurance.

Does Well Within Therapies sell gift certificates?

If you are an existing client with Well Within Therapies, please speak with Jennifer about who you are thinking about purchasing a gift certificate for. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is not for everyone, nor for every circumstance. If you and Jennifer feel it would be a good fit, she will be happy to create a personalized certificate for you to gift to your friend or family member.


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